Dear PCC Community,

As we approach the culmination of another fiscal year, it is with great pride and determination that we reflect on the strides we’ve made together at the Partnership for College Completion (PCC). With your unwavering support, we’ve continued our relentless pursuit of elevating college completion rates and breaking down barriers for students from underrepresented backgrounds. At this critical juncture, we’re reminded of the essential role equitable funding plays in shaping the future of higher education.

Your Donations Will Be Tripled!

Your generosity during our campaign will be even more impactful, as every donation made today will be generously matched twice, enabling your contribution to go even further in our pursuit of system-level changes in Illinois higher education. Your ongoing support will strengthen our organization, enabling us to address systemic obstacles to college graduation for low-income, first-generation, Black and Latinx students. 

Advocacy and Policy: Leading the Charge for Equity

At PCC, we’re not just observers but agents of change. Our robust policy and advocacy efforts have mobilized communities, galvanized support and influenced key legislative decisions. From advocating for initiatives like the Commission on Equitable Public University Funding to amplifying student voices through our Student Advisory Council, every action is a step towards a fairer, more inclusive higher education landscape.

Research and Data: Illuminating Pathways for Needed Reform

Knowledge is power and we at PCC believe in empowering stakeholders with actionable insights. We’ve been instrumental in driving evidence-based policy reforms through meticulous research, data dissemination and targeted outreach. Our commitment to transparency and accessibility ensures that our findings reach diverse audiences to spark dialogue and catalyze change.

Partnerships: Fostering Collaboration for Impact

True progress is forged through collaboration. Through initiatives like the Illinois Equity in Attainment (ILEA) and the Illinois Developmental Education Equity Equity in Action Network (IDEEA), we’ve fostered deep partnerships with colleges and universities that impact students on campus today and the tens of thousands who will follow in their footsteps. By facilitating data sharing, providing technical support and advocating for student-centered policy, we’re laying the groundwork for lasting systemic change.

Students for Equity: Amplifying Voices, Driving Change

At the heart of our mission are students—the catalysts for change. We’re empowering the next generation of leaders through participatory research projects, student-led initiatives, and inclusive programming. By centering their experiences and perspectives, we’re not just advocating for equity but actively co-creating it.

Join the Movement: Your Support Matters

As we embark on our end-of-year fundraising campaign, we invite you to join us in our mission. Your support isn’t just a donation. It’s an investment in tomorrow—a future where every student can thrive. Together we can build a more equitable, accessible and prosperous higher education system for all.

Donate to PCC

As we reflect on our journey so far, let’s reaffirm our commitment to equity, access and excellence in higher education. Let’s continue to champion change, defy the status quo and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow. Thank you for your unwavering partnership and support.

With gratitude,

Dr. Lisa Castillo Richmond, PCC Executive Director
Dr. Douglas E. Wood, PCC Board Chair
Dr. Wil Del Pilar, PCC Development Committee Chair