Illinois has made progress when it comes to the positive impacts made by Dual Credit courses. The term dual credit refers “to high school programs allowing high school students to complete coursework which counts for both high school and college credit. Often taken during a student’s junior or senior year of high school, dual credit courses give students a jumpstart on earning a postsecondary credential and encourage students to continue their education beyond high school.” Demand from students for dual credit continues to rise, and many districts across the state are seeing the benefits of forging strong partnerships with community colleges and local employers.
To get a better understanding of what people think about Dual Credit courses, the Partnership for College Completion joined other college access and success organizations to ask students, parents, educators, administrators, and professionals in the secondary and postsecondary education. We surveyed over 1,000 individual individuals, and were encouraged by what we heard.
Among the takeaways:
97% of students believe they benefited from participating in Dual Credit
73% of postsecondary respondents believe that colleges benefit from offering Dual Credit
83% of respondents believe that Dual Credit courses are high quality and rigorous
Click below to access our Survey Briefs, which provide data and feedback from the Dual Credit community on core areas of interest of quality, rigor, benefits, and equity implications. They also include suggestions that can improve Dual Credit programs in classrooms across Illinois.